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Group A

  • groupaaaaa5


Updated: Nov 1, 2018

Today during our group discussion one of the ideas that was suggested was the concept of illusions/ Hallucinations. Based on the work colour cycle III 1930, by Peter Sedgley, we found this piece relates to images such as:

this image is one which can create a hallucinogenic state for the viewer which is much like the constellation piece which Peter Sedgley created, Peter is one of the first people who proposed the concept of hallucination without the use of drugs.

Based on the idea of hallucinations we took from this piece we decided we could create the basis of our website based on the idea of hallucination and trying to decipher reality. we could do this using augmented reality headsets which would bring the viewer into a new world in which they would have to navigate through in order to access the website in which will be created.

we intend on creating an abstract piece along with this idea, the abstract piece being somewhat colourful as we all enjoyed the use of colour in Peter sedgley's piece. we discussed using "The wolf of wall street" and "Fear and loathing in Las Vegas" as influence when creating this piece as they have great examples of hallucinogenic scenes.

The abstract piece might be based on the idea of actual viewers being put into the state of experiencing those visual illusions when they cannot distinguish reality from virtual reality,

observing objects (vases, fruits, etc) gradually transforming one into another. The transitions that might be used may resemble the ones that are used in the video.

We intend for the website to start by having the audience navigate their way to it, then they would access our home page introducing the idea which would lead onto our 300 word essay on this project and then a blog which is full of all our progress and stages it took to get to the final product. -Tamara

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